Scrap Merchants in Enfield | Your Questions Answered

Our company operates from one of the best-equipped scrap yards in Hertfordshire and North London. Enfield and Barnet are just two of many locations where we provide scrap metal recycling services. Our scrap merchants and scrap metal dealers are highly experienced. We recycle scrap cable and scrap metal at prices which are much more competitive than other companies in Enfield because we have our own granulation plant.

On this page, we answer some common question on scrap metal recycling and the work that we do in the Enfield and North London areas. If you would like to know more about our services, pick up the phone and call us today on 01992 642066 or 01992 625622.

Do you recycle scrap metal of any kind?

Cheshunt Metals Ltd accepts all ferrous and non-ferrous metals with the best prices always paid. Some scrap merchants in the Enfield area remain a little guarded about scrap metal rates but we’re always upfront and honest about our own. That’s because we pay by weight at the most competitive rates on the day – and that’s a promise we always uphold!

Are you metal recycling processes ethical?

Yes. We have registration with the Environmental Agency as licensed waste carriers and all scrap metal collected from the Enfield area undergoes ethical transportation, storage and recycling. Very few scrap yards locally can match our own facilities, particularly when it comes to our granulation plant which is ideal for processing different types of scrap cable.

Why can you process scrap cable at such great prices?

Scrap metal dealers in Enfield factor in the cost of processing when giving you a price for scrap cable. This is because they eventually have to come to scrap merchants like ourselves to use our granulation facilities. Coming directly to Cheshunt Metals Ltd helps you get more from the value of scrap cable because we always offer customers the best possible rates.

What are the environmental benefits of metal recycling?

We promise our Enfield customers that we’ll always try to recycle as much collected waste as possible. While it’s easy to put scrap metal back into the production system, it isn’t always as simple with other materials. As a forward-thinking company, we review and update our metal recycling procedures frequently to help minimise landfill waste.

What is the difference between ferrous and non-ferrous scrap metal?

Ferrous scrap is magnetic and has a high iron content, but it corrodes much more easily than non-ferrous scrap metal, which has no iron in it and isn’t magnetic at all. When you visit us from Enfield for metal recycling services, you’ll notice our scrap merchants use different weight facilities for different materials – with weights displayed on monitors for fairness.

What happens to my scrap metal after I’ve sold it to you?

Scrap metal dealers have an important role to play in environmental care by reintroducing materials into the secondary production system. We recycle scrap by screening it at our facilities in Cheshunt, and distribute it to larger dealers or consign it overseas. Our recycling rates exceed 90%, an industry benchmark, and we aim to keep improving this figure.

We recycle scrap metal for customers in Enfield, North London and all locations in Hertfordshire. Call us on 01992 642066 or 01992 625622.